Photos from Russia
All photo images © 1997-2002 Anthony Jones
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. > Journal 1 > Country Index > Russia Photos: 15 photos

Street sign sponsered by Coke St. Petersburg, Russia

Fontaki River St. Petersburg, Russia

Church of the Resurrection of Christ Griboedova Canal, St. Petersburg, Russia

Kazan Cathedral Griboedova Canal, St. Petersburg, Russia

Winter Palace and the Alexander Column St. Petersburg, Russia

The Admirality St. Petersburg, Russia

Building facades St. Petersburg, Russia

Ploshchad Vosstania and Neon St. Petersburg, Russia

Church of the Resurection of Christ St. Petersburg, Russia

Church of the Resurection of Christ St. Petersburg, Russia

Peter and Paul Fortress St. Petersburg, Russia

Church of the Resurection of Christ St. Petersburg, Russia

Water way next to the Church of the Resurection of Christ St. Petersburg, Russia

Me in front of the Church of the Resurection of Christ St. Petersburg, Russia

Atlas The Hermitage, St Petersburg, Russia

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