Street sign sponsered by CokeSt. Petersburg, Russia
Fontaki River St. Petersburg, Russia Jounral entry: 9/20/97 Time of day: 1803 (+4)
Minolta Vectis 40
, Film Speed: 200
, Roll ID: 757-264
Fontaki RiverSt. Petersburg, Russia
Church of the Resurrection of ChristGriboedova Canal, St. Petersburg, Russia
Kazan Cathedral Griboedova Canal, St. Petersburg, Russia Jounral entry: 9/20/97 Time of day: 1821 (+4)
Minolta Vectis 40
, Film Speed: 200
, Roll ID: 757-264
Kazan CathedralGriboedova Canal, St. Petersburg, Russia
Winter Palace and the Alexander ColumnSt. Petersburg, Russia
The AdmiralitySt. Petersburg, Russia
Building facadesSt. Petersburg, Russia
Ploshchad Vosstania and NeonSt. Petersburg, Russia
Church of the Resurection of ChristSt. Petersburg, Russia
Church of the Resurection of Christ St. Petersburg, Russia Jounral entry: 9/21/97 Time of day: 1149 (+4)
Minolta Vectis 40
, Film Speed: 200
, Roll ID: 757-264
Church of the Resurection of ChristSt. Petersburg, Russia
Peter and Paul Fortress St. Petersburg, Russia Jounral entry: 9/21/97 Time of day: 1413 (+4)
Minolta Vectis 40
, Film Speed: 200
, Roll ID: 757-264
Peter and Paul FortressSt. Petersburg, Russia
Church of the Resurection of ChristSt. Petersburg, Russia
Water way next to the Church of the Resurection of ChristSt. Petersburg, Russia
Me in front of the Church of the Resurection of ChristSt. Petersburg, Russia
Atlas The Hermitage, St Petersburg, Russia Jounral entry: 9/22/97 Time of day: 1342 (+4)
Minolta Vectis 40
, Film Speed: 200
, Roll ID: 757-264