. OnHiatus.com > Journal 1 > Day Index > Journal Entry: January 14, 1998

Wednesday, January 14, 1998
Berlin, Germany
Germany's FlagBerlin's Flag

Berlin, Germany:
Latitude: 52° 30' 19" North
Longitude: 13° 20' 8" East
Altitude: 142 feet
From Seattle: 5979 miles
Lodging: Hostel - The Circus

Today's Travel:
Country: Germany
Region: Berlin
Weather: Sunny

Available Photos:

Graffitti "Art Park", Mitter, East Berlin, Germany

Me in junk sculpture "Art Park", Mitter, East Berlin, Germany

Mural and Eastern Berlin building "Art Park", Mitter, East Berlin, Germany

All photo images © 1997-2000 Anthony Jones - Images may not be used without prior written approval.

Click on map to Zoom in...
Trip Stats to Date:
Day: 279
Linear Dist: 91557
Countries Visited: 21
Regions Visited: 97
More stats...
Hotels: 45
Friends / Family: 90
Camping: 35
Hostels: 83
Transit: 26
Beers: 1196

Journal Entry:
Spent the morning wandering around a wonderful park full of junk sculptures and graffitti. Never figured out if the park was public or private. The central (or at least largest) piece was a city bus planted in the ground with the front end up in the air. The lot seems to be surrounded by artists studios.

Also went to the Info Box. This is a very strange (and ugly) building documenting the new community that is being constructed in the former no-man's land adjacent to the Brandenburg gate.

Spent the night reading, planning where to go next, and of course having a couple beers (they're so nice here).

Related Sites:
Interactive Berlin Map
Live Cam from Potsdamer Platz
CNN: Current Weather in Berlin
US State Department Consular Information Sheets: Germany

Paging: [⇚ Jan 13] | [Jan 15 ⇛] OnHiatus.com > Journal 1 > Day Index > Journal Entry: January 14, 1998