. OnHiatus.com > Journal 2 > Day Index > Journal Entry: June 27, 2002

Thursday, June 27, 2002
Ou to PATS, Pohnpei, Micronesia
Micronesia's FlagPohnpei's Flag

PATS, Pohnpei, Micronesia:
Latitude: 6° 50' 37" North
Longitude: 158° 18' 32" East
Altitude: 126 feet
From Seattle: 5833 miles
Lodging: Friend / Family - Stacy (PATS)

Today's Travel:
Country: Micronesia
Region: Pohnpei
Path:Ou - PATS, Pohnpei, Micronesia
Linear:10 miles
Weather: Rain

Click on map to Zoom in...
Trip Stats to Date:
Day: 15
Linear Dist: 6109
Countries Visited: 2
Regions Visited: 3
More stats...
Hotels: 4
Friends / Family: 7
Camping: 1
Hospital: 2
Beers: 32

Journal Entry:
Woke up feeling pretty good. Stacy and I caught a ride back to PATS with Eileen, and the road wasn't too bad - though a few of the big bumps reminded me that I'd just had surgery a two days ago. I unpacked, wrote a few emails and took another much needed shower. This time instead of going the bucket bath route I taped a plastic bag over my dressing and had a more normal shower - a lot of prep work, but way more satisfying. At lunch I at a bit to much (still a pretty small meal) and was very aware of how tight my stomach felt. After lunch I wandered down to the MERIP labs and used the computer to get / send email, upload some photos, and call my parents (to warn them that about the surgery). Mid afternoon I really started to feel tired and a little lightheaded so I tried to take it easy. At diner I was still feeling off so had a very light snack (a few pieces of pineapple), then stole Stacy's fan and went off to read in bed about eight.

Paging: [⇚ Jun 26] | [Jun 28 ⇛] OnHiatus.com > Journal 2 > Day Index > Journal Entry: June 27, 2002