. OnHiatus.com > Journal 1 > Day Index > Journal Entry: July 16, 2000

Sunday, July 16, 2000
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tanzania's Flag

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania:
Latitude: 6° 49' 18" South
Longitude: 39° 16' 58" East
Altitude: 476 feet
From Seattle: 11228 miles
Lodging: Hotel - Safari Inn

Today's Travel:
Country: Tanzania
Region: Dar es Salaam
Weather: Partial Sun

Click on map to Zoom in...
Trip Stats to Date:
Day: 1193
Linear Dist: 233390
Countries Visited: 70
Regions Visited: 264
More stats...
Hotels: 414
Friends / Family: 302
Camping: 126
Hostels: 261
Transit: 76
Other Lodging: 13
Beers: 4139

Journal Entry:
Int the morning we met with the safari guy from the airport taxi - it sounds good, but almost to good - I think both of us are a little wary. From his office we walked down to the water. We walked the length of the harbor, then turned inland to head towards the Sheraton (goals: clean toilets, a pay phone - to call the other safari company, forex, and the nearby crafts market). The raod inland was beautiful - wide and stately and heavily shaded on both sides by giant trees. At the Sheraton we accomplished everything, except we couldn't get through to the safari company (we've decided to try and get them to pay for our bus tickets, but we want to go with them anyway). Also the crafts market was lacking and way over priced (five to ten times). On the way back we tried to find an ATM - but the only one we could find wouldn't accept my Visa card.

Wandered back to the water and had a few snacks from one of the street venders. Wandered among the restaurant shacks by the water (to the amusement of many of the locals) then headed back towards the hotel. On the way we stopped by Nyika Safari's office (Joseph - from last night, the company we trust) it was a little more expensive ($5 / day more and the bus tickets to Arusha weren't included). Joseph was there and we were able to negotiate them paying for our bus - so it's only the $5/day, and we're both a lot more comfortable with them. Had an early dinner at the same place as yesterday (there aren't very many places open on Sunday) then headed back to the hotel. There's a church service going on nearby - the preaching is way to loud, but the gospel music is nice - "Amazing Grace" in Swahili works. Went out for a couple beers then home to bed.

Two disappointing "city" things happened today. First we tried to change money with someone on the street and they tried to rip us off, then I caught a boy trying to steal my sunglasses out of my daypack. The change scam was the same one that was tried on me when I was here before. I told the man that I was going to count the money and every time he touched it I was going to have to recount it and he agreed. When I counted the money he tried to take it back to put it in a rubber band, but the same hand was holding a newspaper and it was totally obvious that it concealed another bundle of money. When I wouldn't give the money back and instead offered the $100 bill he got angry (despite the fact that this is how we agreed it would go down to start with) - he took the shillings back and we walked away. It was just irritating because it was so predictable and he did just what I told him he was going to do. Then a couple hours later I caught something out of the corner of my eye and turned around to find a boy trying to get my sunglasses from my pack - hanging on one shoulder under my arm, not even on my back. I lunged at him to scare him off and he was gone. We didn't loose anything, but it just kind of sucks to be made to feel like a walking target. It's especially harsh in a place where most people are so friendly and you don't want to suspect everyone.

Related Sites:
CNN: Current Weather in Dar es Salaam
US State Department Consular Information Sheets: Tanzania
CIA World Fact Book: Tanzania

Paging: [⇚ Jul 15] | [Jul 17 ⇛] OnHiatus.com > Journal 1 > Day Index > Journal Entry: July 16, 2000