. OnHiatus.com > Journal 1 > Day Index > Journal Entry: October 23, 1999

Saturday, October 23, 1999
Goulmima, Morocco to Ceuta, Spain
Morocco's FlagSpain's Flag

Ceuta, Spain:
Latitude: 35° 53' 29" North
Longitude: 5° 19' 2" West
Altitude: 14 feet
From Seattle: 6053 miles
Lodging: Hotel - Gran Hotel Ulises

Today's Travel:
Countries: Morocco, Spain
Regions: The Rif Mountains, Spanish North Africa
Route: Bus: Goulmima - Zaida - Meknès, Meknès - Rabat, Rabat - Tetouan, Tetouan - Fnideq; Taxi: Fnideq - Frontier; Bus: Frontier - Ceuta
Start: Goulmima, Morocco
Stop 1. Meknès, Morocco
Stop 2. Rabat, Morocco
Stop 3. Tetouan, Morocco
End:Ceuta, Spain
Linear:425 miles
Weather: Rain / Overcast / Partial Sun

Click on map to Zoom in...
Trip Stats to Date:
Day: 926
Linear Dist: 178629
Countries Visited: 61
Regions Visited: 245
More stats...
Hotels: 288
Friends / Family: 224
Camping: 120
Hostels: 220
Transit: 60
Other Lodging: 13
Beers: 3357

Journal Entry:
A very long travel day. Spent the entire night and most of the day on buses. Changed buses in Meknès for one heading to Rabat. Another bus to Tetouan and yet another to Fnideq. Started walking from Fnideq (it's only a mile or two), but quickly picked up a taxi to the border.

A pleasant change from last time, the border was a breeze taking only minutes to get through. Caught a city bus into Ceuta proper and started the search for a hotel room. The first place we tried (the place I stayed at last time)was full. It was getting dark and after trying a couple pensions - finding them closed for the season - I said screw it and checked into a nice four star hotel. I could barely walk by this point and just needed someplace to crash - didn't care what it cost.

After being somewhat revived with showers we ventured out to eat. We're a bit early for diner in Spain (it was only nine local time) so not a whole lot was open. Ended up at a take out pizza place. Then bed!

Related Sites:
US State Department Consular Information Sheets: Spain

Paging: [⇚ Oct 22] | [Oct 24 ⇛] OnHiatus.com > Journal 1 > Day Index > Journal Entry: October 23, 1999