. OnHiatus.com > Journal 1 > Day Index > Journal Entry: June 26, 1999

Saturday, June 26, 1999
Kampala, Uganda
Uganda's Flag

Kampala, Uganda:
Latitude: 0° 18' 45" North
Longitude: 32° 34' 12" East
Altitude: 27 feet
From Seattle: 10388 miles
Lodging: Hotel - Mukwano Guest House

Today's Travel:
Country: Uganda
Region: Greater Kampala
Weather: Overcast / Partial Sun

Available Photos:

Hindu Temple Kampala, Uganda

Bottle cap map of Africa Kampala, Uganda

All photo images © 1997-2000 Anthony Jones - Images may not be used without prior written approval.

Click on map to Zoom in...
Trip Stats to Date:
Day: 807
Linear Dist: 147891
Countries Visited: 59
Regions Visited: 231
More stats...
Hotels: 251
Friends / Family: 160
Camping: 117
Hostels: 217
Transit: 55
Other Lodging: 6
Beers: 3059

Journal Entry:
The main goal of today was to secure a permit to track the mountain gorillas in Bwindi National Park. I hired a taxi to take me to the Uganda Parks Authority office quite a ways outside of the city center - according to the Lonely Planet. I got what I thought was a great price for the taxi, but then he delivered me to the office - in the city center. Anyway would have never found the office using either guide book (the Footprint Handbook has it in yet a different spot?!?). Anyway the booking procedure was straight forward as there were no other reservations on the day I wanted (Tuesday, the 29th). I opted for the smaller of the two available groups because it has an infant which supposedly means the Silver-back is more attentive and aggressive. One slight problem was that one of the $50 bills I'd brought with me to pay for the permit (total: $250!) was from before 1990 and therefore they couldn't take it. The woman agreed to keep the office open for me and I had to walk down the road to the Sheraton hotel to cash a travelers check.

While at the Sheraton I discovered two things: an internet cafe, and Starcom phones (cheaper international calls). So after getting my permit I went back. I spent a little over an hour answering email - a nice fast connection. Also took advantage of the Sheraton's lobby and read my guide book, contacted Adrift to try and arrange rafting tomorrow, and had a cup of real coffee (the cup cost half as much as my nights accommodation).

Walked the long way back to my guest house via the crafts market. I found the market very disappointing, most of the things seemed to be from Kenya or Tanzania and everything was fairly expensive. The highlight of the market was a map of Africa rendered in bottle caps stamped into the ground in front of the refreshment stand. Walked back to my guest house.

Spent the late afternoon reading the guide book - trying to make some plans for Ethiopia. Walked back to the Sheraton and splurged on a salad for diner. While there called my parents, called the rafting company to see if the trip was on (it is!), and spent another hour on the internet updating my journal. Back in my room I did some more research on Ethiopia, worked on my journal, and packed for tomorrow.

Paging: [⇚ Jun 25] | [Jun 27 ⇛] OnHiatus.com > Journal 1 > Day Index > Journal Entry: June 26, 1999