. OnHiatus.com > Journal 1 > Day Index > Journal Entry: August 20, 1998

Thursday, August 20, 1998
Rabat, Morocco
Morocco's Flag

Rabat, Morocco:
Latitude: 34° 1' 2" North
Longitude: 6° 50' 3" West
Altitude: 95 feet
From Seattle: 6085 miles
Lodging: Hotel - Hotel Velleda

Today's Travel:
Country: Morocco
Region: The Atlantic Coast
Weather: Sunny

Click on map to Zoom in...
Trip Stats to Date:
Day: 497
Linear Dist: 122623
Countries Visited: 35
Regions Visited: 142
More stats...
Hotels: 111
Friends / Family: 154
Camping: 41
Hostels: 135
Transit: 49
Other Lodging: 6
Beers: 1918

Journal Entry:
The start of the day was pretty much a failure. Tried to get money from three different ATMs - failed. Was going to catch the afternoon train down to Casablanca to see the Hassan II Mosque - failed (actually on my way out the door I looked at the guide book and realized I was going to get there 30 minutes after the last tour of the mosque so I decided not to go). Tried to find the tourist office using the Let's Go map and directions, no surprise here, - failed. Tried an ATM again - success!?! Found an English bookstore, it was closed but would be opening again in an hour. Went back to the bookstore a couple hours later - still closed. Tried to find another bookstore using Let's Go and after a very frustrating search found it (it was five, not four, blocks past the Mosque on a street called Zankat Tangier, not Zankat Tanja), but it was closed too.

Spent the rest of my afternoon with the Guidebook trying to figure out a possible route South. Right now it looks like I'll probably have to fly to Senegal, but from there the countries look passable and visas shouldn't be impossible. Of course my guide book was last updated in 1996, Amy has premised to lend me here newer one tomorrow.

Went and met Amy and her fellow trainee, Ted. Had a few beers and dinner then met up with Amelia (who had decided to stay an extra day in Rabat before heading off to meet up with her boyfriend somewhere down South) at a different bar. A little while later some of Amelia's friends from the Peace Corps showed up (Kerry, Chris, and Matt). When the bar closed we kept the party going at out hotel room (with some wine purchased earlier for this possibility). The hotel manager asked everyone to leave at about one.

Related Sites:
CNN: Current Weather in Rabat
US State Department Consular Information Sheets: Morocco
CIA World Fact Book: Morocco

Paging: [⇚ Aug 19] | [Aug 21 ⇛] OnHiatus.com > Journal 1 > Day Index > Journal Entry: August 20, 1998