. OnHiatus.com > Journal 1 > Day Index > Journal Entry: February 19, 2000

Saturday, February 19, 2000
Melbourne, Vic, Australia
Australia's FlagVictoria's Flag

Melbourne, Vic, Australia:
Latitude: 37° 49' 50" South
Longitude: 144° 59' 59" East
Altitude: 142 feet
From Seattle: 9235 miles
Lodging: Hostel - Hotel BakPak

Today's Travel:
Country: Australia
Region: Victoria
Weather: Mostly Sunny / Partial Sun - Hot!

Click on map to Zoom in...
Trip Stats to Date:
Day: 1045
Linear Dist: 204982
Countries Visited: 67
Regions Visited: 253
More stats...
Hotels: 327
Friends / Family: 287
Camping: 121
Hostels: 228
Transit: 68
Other Lodging: 13
Beers: 3743

Journal Entry:
Intended to go wine tasting in the Yarro Valley today but after it being so hot yesterday and last night it's hotter today - and humid. It was way to hot to go taste red wine. So then I decided I'd go for a swim at the pool then go to the beach. But after walking outside I realized it's to hot to do anything. Ended up spending most of the day in air conditioned shops. Bought a book on Java Script (I'm thinking of a major upgrade to the web pages).

Also got a couple of rolls of film developed (with photos from Ethiopia, Madagascar, Bali, and Australia). The film was a little disappointing - it seems like they always are, but when I go back to them later they've always gotten so much better.

Spent some time on the internet, and the rest of the day sitting around sweating. Did some reading and worked on my journals a bit.

Related Sites:
CNN: Current Weather in Melbourne
US State Department Consular Information Sheets: Australia
CIA World Fact Book: Australia

Paging: [⇚ Feb 18] | [Feb 20 ⇛] OnHiatus.com > Journal 1 > Day Index > Journal Entry: February 19, 2000