. OnHiatus.com > Journal 1 > Day Index > Journal Entry: January 31, 2000

Monday, January 31, 2000
Perth, WA, Australia
Australia's FlagWestern Australia's Flag

Perth, WA, Australia:
Latitude: 31° 57' 29" South
Longitude: 115° 49' 6" East
Altitude: 914 feet
From Seattle: 10375 miles
Lodging: Friend / Family - Kate and Stew

Today's Travel:
Country: Australia
Region: Western Australia
Start: Perth, WA, Australia
Stop 1. Freemantle
Stop 2. Thompson Bay, Rottnest Island
Stop 3. Little Armstrong, Rottnest Island
Stop 4. Thompson Bay, Rottnest Island
Stop 5. Freemantle
End:Perth, WA, Australia
Linear:48 miles
Weather: Partial Sun / Mostly Sunny

Available Photos:

Water through hills Rottnest Island, WA, Australia

Kate and quokkas Rottnest Island, WA, Australia

Misc photos at pub waiting for sunset Cottesloe, WA, Australia

Misc photos at pub waiting for sunset Cottesloe, WA, Australia

Misc photos at pub waiting for sunset Cottesloe, WA, Australia

Misc photos at pub waiting for sunset Cottesloe, WA, Australia

Misc photos at pub waiting for sunset Cottesloe, WA, Australia

Misc photos at pub waiting for sunset Cottesloe, WA, Australia

All photo images © 1997-2000 Anthony Jones - Images may not be used without prior written approval.

Click on map to Zoom in...
Trip Stats to Date:
Day: 1026
Linear Dist: 201901
Countries Visited: 67
Regions Visited: 252
More stats...
Hotels: 326
Friends / Family: 278
Camping: 120
Hostels: 223
Transit: 65
Other Lodging: 13
Beers: 3662

Journal Entry:
Didn't catch the 7:30 ferry as planned due to the rain. But by eight the skies had cleared and it was looking like ideal weather, so we were on the 9:30 ferry from Freemantle. Got to Rottnest Island around ten and rented snorkel gear and bicycles.

There's not much in the way of hills on the island, but enough to quickly make us wish we'd opted to pay the extra $3 for multi-geared bikes. Road about a third of the way around the island before stopping to swim and snorkel at ?. The visibility and sea life weren't spectacular, but it was a beautiful sandy cove and the water was electric blue.

After hanging out for a couple hours we got back on the bikes and cut across the island to the other side. In the middle we stopped under a light house to watch a group of quokkas. The island was named "Rat's nest" because of the giant rat like things. Actually they look more like a cross between a kangaroo and a wallaby. They're obviously used to being fed because we were swarmed when we stopped.

On the other side of the island we stopped to snorkel at Little Armstrong Cove. The life was more interesting here, but the visibility was poor (5 to 10 feet), and the water was pretty rough. I only spent a few minutes in the water before giving up the mask. About half an hour after getting out a large ray swam along the edge of the beach checking everyone out. It had a wing span of three or four feet and was beautiful. When I waded in to get a closer look it let me get within a few feet before taking off. I jumped out and followed him on the rocks a bit before returning to the sand.

Road the rest of the way back to Thompson Bay where the ferry dock is. Turned in the rented gear and settled down for a few beers then a late lunch. Caught the last ferry back at 5:30. Got on the ferry a few minutes before departure then I realized I didn't have my sunglasses. Ran back to the restaurant, no luck. Barely made it back to the ferry. It's not a big deal, but it put me in a crap mood. Somewhat amazingly (for me) this is the first time since I've started traveling that I've lost a pair of glasses - and the first time that I haven't been carry a spare pair.

Back in Freemantle we went to a pub to watch the sun set. It was beautiful, not a lot of red fire, but lot's of gold, and the light clouds made for a big show.

Related Sites:
CNN: Current Weather in Perth
US State Department Consular Information Sheets: Australia
CIA World Fact Book: Australia

Paging: [⇚ Jan 30] | [Feb 1 ⇛] OnHiatus.com > Journal 1 > Day Index > Journal Entry: January 31, 2000