. OnHiatus.com > Journal 1 > Day Index > Journal Entry: November 10, 1998

Tuesday, November 10, 1998
Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso's Flag

Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso:
Latitude: 11° 10' 31" North
Longitude: 4° 17' 51" West
Altitude: 1556 feet
From Seattle: 7607 miles
Lodging: Hotel - Entente Hotel

Today's Travel:
Country: Burkina Faso
Region: Burkina
Weather: Sunny / Partial Sun

Click on map to Zoom in...
Trip Stats to Date:
Day: 579
Linear Dist: 128333
Countries Visited: 40
Regions Visited: 166
More stats...
Hotels: 174
Friends / Family: 155
Camping: 45
Hostels: 144
Transit: 54
Other Lodging: 6
Beers: 2012

Journal Entry:
Still having severe stomach problems so not willing to walk more than a few blocks from the safety of the hotel. Make it to the bank to cash a travelers check (cash advance impossible). Try to take a nap before deciding to risk some food. Bread is the only thing I can imagine eating but there's a great boulangerie right next to the hotel. A bit later I'm feeling a little better so it's off to see the Vieille Mosque, supposedly Bobo's main attraction. I found it disappointing, it looked like a neglected part of Disneyland - yellowing cement trying to mimic the mud mosques of the Sahel.

Decided to try and find the PC house to see if we could get some info on how to get to Niger (still trying). Rachel had given me some rough directions so we (I had managed to talk Andrea into going) took a taxi to the right area and started to walk. We walked a couple blocks then stopped to ask so locals sitting outside a compound if they knew where it was. They said yes so I asked where, they just said yes again, then I realized we were at the house (I'd randomly picked the right place to ask directions). Chris (the local PCV) and Connie (another Burkinabe PCV) gave us some info on Burkina (Bobo, Ougadougou and Banfora) and Niger. It might be possible to get visas from the Côte d'Ivoire embassy in Ouaga, or barring that we'll probably be able to sweet talk our way into the country without them and get it in Niamey. Went to a restaurant with Connie and Chris for diner, had an amazing pasta dish but started to feel nauseous after just a few bites. Ended up having to walk back to town(never found a taxi).

Related Sites:
US State Department ConsularInformation Sheets: Burkina Faso
CIA World Fact Book: Burkina Faso

Paging: [⇚ Nov 9] | [Nov 11 ⇛] OnHiatus.com > Journal 1 > Day Index > Journal Entry: November 10, 1998